Vereinigte Volksbank eG
Förderverein „Indienhilfe Saar e.V.”
IBAN: DE07 5909 2000 1540 3000 00

Verwendungszweck bitte wählen:

  • Ausbildungs- oder Familienpatenschaft / Special School
  • Nutztierspenden / ökologische Landwirtschaft
  • Notfall-Hilfen / medizinische Hilfe / Ambulant Care
  • Trinkwasserprojekte / Solarenergie / „go for green life” (Papaya)
  • Messintentionen


Online-Spenden per Klarna:


You would like to order a Holy Mass?

Through us you can order intercessions for relatives or friends in difficult life situations, in case of serious illness or for personal concerns. You can also have a Holy Mass read for your deceased relatives.

We promise you that your prayer request will be entrusted as soon as possible, very personally to a selected priest from India, as well as the names given for the persons concerned.

Tell us your needs in an email, on the phone, or use the contact form here on our website.  We will keep the dates you have asked for. If you wish, we will also try to inform you of the times for reading Holy Mass, in case you would like to join in prayer at the same time.

Mass intentions have a long tradition, based on the belief that we can pray for each other. It is the request that our request be taken up and supported by a priest. Because prayer and grace are not bound to places, a Mass intention can be taken before God everywhere, in every place in the world.


Mass novena:

A mass novena is a special request to God. Nine Holy Masses are celebrated on nine dates close to each other for a particular request, a particular need or for a particular person for whom one is very concerned.

Gregorian Mass:

A Gregorian Holy Mass sequence are 30 Holy Masses celebrated on thirty continuous days, for poor souls and the deceased. They can also be celebrated during one's lifetime, in the belief that they are for one's benefit after death. These Masses go back to Pope Gregory the Great and are described as extremely effective.

In the Holy Mass our concerns are well taken care of. The priest celebrates this Mass especially with the intentions of the person who asked for it - that is why Mass intentions are also a valuable gift.

a Holy mass costs   5 euros
Holy mass intentions on desired dates   each 5 euros
a Mass novena (9 Holy masses)   45 euros
a Gregorian mass (30 Holy masses)   150 euros

Please transfer the amount according to your measurement order to the account stated below.

These receipts support Indian priests and their education.
